Service Above Self

We meet In Person
Mondays at 12:00 PM
Meets at Community Center at Martin’s Point Health Care
114 Bath Road
Brunswick, ME 04011
United States of America
Mondays at noon except holidays. Simulcast on Zoom. Contact the club secretary for Zoom information.
Mailing Address
Brunswick Rotary Club
P.O. Box 281
Brunswick, ME 04011
For Help on How to Give through these various channels CLICK HERE
Thank you for your support ❤️
What's Happening
Update from our Club President Zander Abbott
To my fellow Brunswick Rotary Club members,
It's been a busy November for our club, and I am excited about what we have in store for December as we close out the calendar year.  First and foremost, we been busy participating in local events (like the exceptional team who represented our club in the annual DBA bed races - check out our website for a photo) and raising money to support our local community.  Club treasurer Fred Horch delivered a check to Tedford for $365.82 to purchase Thanksgiving Turkeys and meals for our community members served by Tedford housing.  This exceeded our club "green bottle" goal - thanks to all for your generosity!
Looking ahead, we just kicked off our annual Amaryllis Sale which is a major fundraiser for our club.  A special thanks to Dee Perry for setting up the annual project - please check out the website, pick your favorites, and order them as gifts for friends and family.  Our goal this year is $2,000!
Another annual event that makes our club proud is the Bell Ringing with Salvation Army.  Under the leadership of club member extraordinaire Mark Alexander, we can sign up on our website and help support the cause from 9a - 6p on December 14th.
I hope to see you all next week for our Monday noontime meeting.  We will be hearing from the local Curtis Memorial Library leadership team about new and special programs at the library.  After our club meeting, we will be hosting our monthly board meeting - please feel free to attend and listen.
Lastly - Save the date for our 100th anniversary dinner on Sunday, May 18th, 2025 at 5:30pm at the Brunswick Hotel.
Happy holidays to you and yours,
President Zander Abbott

2024 Walter H. “Doc” Phillips Memorial Award was presented to Surrey and Hugh Hardcastle


In 2019, Harpswell and the Brunswick Rotary Club lost a beloved member, Walter “Doc” Phillips. Alongside his wife Joan, Doc was a pillar of the community, contributing to the Conservation Committee, Harpswell Land Trust, and Rotary for over 40 years.  To celebrate his legacy, the Brunswick Rotary Club established the annual Walter “Doc” H. Phillips Memorial Award in 2020. A plaque at the Harpswell Town Office Building honors each awardee. The recipients should be community members who have shown dedicated involvement in areas that were dear to Doc, such as land conservation, volunteerism, service to others, education, water quality, and science programs. The award is presented annually on Doc’s birthday.


This year we are happy to announce that the recipients of the Walter H. “Doc” Phillips Memorial Award are Surrey and Hugh Hardcastle.

Their contributions to the Harpswell community through various initiatives and organizations have been truly remarkable.


Surrey’s Contributions:

  • Harpswell Aging at Home (HAH): Surrey is a key member of the HAH Steering Committee and leads the Food Team. This team coordinates the “Meals in a Pinch” program, delivering meals to those in need, and has provided over 4,000 meals this year. Surrey also organizes “Lunch with Friends,” bringing residents together to share meals and camaraderie.
  • Community Involvement: Surrey is deeply involved with the Islands Community Church and is a founding member of the Knit Wits, a group dedicated to community service through knitting.

Hugh’s Contributions:

  • Harpswell Aging at Home (HAH): Hugh serves on the HAH Steering Committee and leads the Transportation Committee. This committee coordinates drivers to assist residents in Harpswell, Brunswick, Topsham, and Bath who are unable to drive, ensuring they can attend appointments and run errands.
  • Local Organizations: Hugh is on the Board of the Orrs Island Library and serves as its Treasurer. He is also involved with the Islands Community Church as a member of the Worship Committee and Treasurer. Additionally, Hugh has served as the Treasurer of the Carpenter Boat Shop, contributing to its mission of providing boatbuilding and life skills training.

Bowdoin College Involvement:

  • Host Parents: Surrey and Hugh have been linked to Bowdoin College as Host Parents, fostering relationships with 15-16 students over the years. They have sponsored meals for returning athletes and connected students with HAH activities.
  • Common Good Program: They have supported Bowdoin’s Common Good Program, which trains students in community development. This program involves students researching local non-profits’ needs, raising funds, and learning to write and submit grants.

Surrey and Hugh’s initiative, drive, enthusiasm, and genuine interest in others have significantly shaped a better Harpswell community. Their dedication to service and community engagement is truly inspiring.


Photo: Joan Phillips, Surrey & Hugh Hardcastle

The Rotary Club of Brunswick joined in the Brunswick Downtown Association’s [BDA] Bed Race Saturday morning.
We had the use of a BDA bed and decorated it with Rotary banners.  We added posters that told about projects and events the Rotary has done over the past year: the Bike Rodeo, Turkeys for Tedford, student grants, Toolboxes for Africa, reading with First Graders at Kate Furbush School, apartment prep for New Mainers, Beach Cleanup on Bailey Island, Games on the Mall, Tool Trailer for Habitat for Humanity, Community Awards,  Treats and Tents for Halloween, Polio eradication from the earth, and Valentines for Vets.  We’ve been busy!  
      Rotarians guiding The Race Bed were Steve Baldwin, Peggy Siegle, Curt Dale Clark, and Marc and Lori Burkhart. Unfortunately we did not win but now we have experienced racers - so next year could be a different story!
      The Rotary Club of Brunswick meets every Monday at noon (except for holidays) at Martin’s Point Community Center, 114 Bath Road in Brunswick. We have a speaker at most meetings representing the community, an organization, various organizations or other topics of interest. The public is always welcome. Join us for a meeting and learn about the Rotary!
Join us on the Brunswick Town Mall...

    We had a great time at the 28th Annual Bike Rodeo and Family Safety Day on Saturday, May 18 at the Brunswick Park’s and Recreation Department, with 150 children participating in a variety of activities. 

    Children took their bikes thru a course, with instructors from the Masons and Brunswick Rotary making sure they stopped, yielded, looked both ways, and stayed on course. The course itself was chalked out and signed by long time Wheeler and Bike Rodeo organizer Rich Cromwell with his trusty assistant Mark. The Brunswick Police Department registered the children’s bikes, with a very large orange fox giving high fives to all. 

    Rotarians George, Carla , Gary, and Larry greeted the children as they arrived, and checked in with them. Rotarian Patty was the MC for the event. A big thank you goes out to our local Walmart for donating 6 new bicycles and to the bag stuffers for the gift bags given out to children once they had completed nine stations in the event. 

    A total of 12 bicycles were given out to Charlotte S age 5, Barbara J age 11, Rosemary S age 9, Levi S age 6, Emerie L age 4, Sophia L age 11, Vivian W age 6, Sebastian S age 7, Leo D age7, Isaac K age 7, Henry S age 8, and Molly B age 6, Ice G age 8, Chris A age 5, Finley H age 8, and Ella O age 6! They all received water bottles with gifts inside from Center Street Cycle. Another wonderful event for children coordinated and put on by various local organizations in Brunswick.

And there were many organizations there supporting and educating the children and adults too

    The Brunswick Fire Department brought the Smoke House so children could learn how to react to a fire, if they were ever in a dangerous situation. 

    Center Street Cycle manned two bicycle safety tents, making sure every part of the children’s bicycles were in great shape, and  functioning properly. 

    Cub Scout Pack 648 brought an archery station for the children to try their skills at, and also to teach archery safety. 

    Merrymeeting Wheelers Bicycle Club fit new bike helmets (donated by the Brunswick Rotary) to heads large and small, making sure everyone had the ability to abide by the rules of the road. 

    Martin’s Point Tent with Rotarian Lisa at the booth talking about ticks, and educating on how to check for ticks and how to remove them, and how to be safe outdoors in the summer. 

    Be Smart, a gun safety organization, had a booth to talk to parents and children about the dangers of unsecured guns, and gun safety in the homes. 

    Sabrina, Tom, Aaron, David, and Rosalind, all from Brunswick Parks and Recreation Department were crucial in the planning, set up and execution of the event. Our publicity sponsor, Mid Coast Hospital provides all the material that went out to the schools, and advertising. They had their own booth manned by Melissa, who spoke to children about the dangers of prolonged sun exposure, and how to avoid sunburns. 

    The Maine Wardens Service brought their truck and boat to display for children to view. 

     This year’s event was a great success and we are all looking forward to a wonderful summer! 

Support the Brunswick Rotary Club this month (March) and the Hannaford Community Bag Program!
Buy a reusable Community Bag in March. For every $2.50 reusable Community Bag purchased throughout March 2024
from the Hannaford’s store at Cook’s Corner, 8 Gurnet Road,
the Brunswick Rotary Club will receive $1.
It's a great opportunity to raise money to help our community.
Hannaford, 8 Gurnet Road, Cook’s Corner, Brunswick Maine
Support our Spring Fundraiser!  Learn more and order at
What's Happening
Update from our Club President Zander Abbott
To my fellow Brunswick Rotary Club members,
It's been a busy November for our club, and I am excited about what we have in store for December as we close out the calendar year.  First and foremost, we been busy participating in local events (like the exceptional team who represented our club in the annual DBA bed races - check out our website for a photo) and raising money to support our local community.  Club treasurer Fred Horch delivered a check to Tedford for $365.82 to purchase Thanksgiving Turkeys and meals for our community members served by Tedford housing.  This exceeded our club "green bottle" goal - thanks to all for your generosity!
Looking ahead, we just kicked off our annual Amaryllis Sale which is a major fundraiser for our club.  A special thanks to Dee Perry for setting up the annual project - please check out the website, pick your favorites, and order them as gifts for friends and family.  Our goal this year is $2,000!
Another annual event that makes our club proud is the Bell Ringing with Salvation Army.  Under the leadership of club member extraordinaire Mark Alexander, we can sign up on our website and help support the cause from 9a - 6p on December 14th.
I hope to see you all next week for our Monday noontime meeting.  We will be hearing from the local Curtis Memorial Library leadership team about new and special programs at the library.  After our club meeting, we will be hosting our monthly board meeting - please feel free to attend and listen.
Lastly - Save the date for our 100th anniversary dinner on Sunday, May 18th, 2025 at 5:30pm at the Brunswick Hotel.
Happy holidays to you and yours,
President Zander Abbott

2024 Walter H. “Doc” Phillips Memorial Award was presented to Surrey and Hugh Hardcastle


In 2019, Harpswell and the Brunswick Rotary Club lost a beloved member, Walter “Doc” Phillips. Alongside his wife Joan, Doc was a pillar of the community, contributing to the Conservation Committee, Harpswell Land Trust, and Rotary for over 40 years.  To celebrate his legacy, the Brunswick Rotary Club established the annual Walter “Doc” H. Phillips Memorial Award in 2020. A plaque at the Harpswell Town Office Building honors each awardee. The recipients should be community members who have shown dedicated involvement in areas that were dear to Doc, such as land conservation, volunteerism, service to others, education, water quality, and science programs. The award is presented annually on Doc’s birthday.


This year we are happy to announce that the recipients of the Walter H. “Doc” Phillips Memorial Award are Surrey and Hugh Hardcastle.

Their contributions to the Harpswell community through various initiatives and organizations have been truly remarkable.


Surrey’s Contributions:

  • Harpswell Aging at Home (HAH): Surrey is a key member of the HAH Steering Committee and leads the Food Team. This team coordinates the “Meals in a Pinch” program, delivering meals to those in need, and has provided over 4,000 meals this year. Surrey also organizes “Lunch with Friends,” bringing residents together to share meals and camaraderie.
  • Community Involvement: Surrey is deeply involved with the Islands Community Church and is a founding member of the Knit Wits, a group dedicated to community service through knitting.

Hugh’s Contributions:

  • Harpswell Aging at Home (HAH): Hugh serves on the HAH Steering Committee and leads the Transportation Committee. This committee coordinates drivers to assist residents in Harpswell, Brunswick, Topsham, and Bath who are unable to drive, ensuring they can attend appointments and run errands.
  • Local Organizations: Hugh is on the Board of the Orrs Island Library and serves as its Treasurer. He is also involved with the Islands Community Church as a member of the Worship Committee and Treasurer. Additionally, Hugh has served as the Treasurer of the Carpenter Boat Shop, contributing to its mission of providing boatbuilding and life skills training.

Bowdoin College Involvement:

  • Host Parents: Surrey and Hugh have been linked to Bowdoin College as Host Parents, fostering relationships with 15-16 students over the years. They have sponsored meals for returning athletes and connected students with HAH activities.
  • Common Good Program: They have supported Bowdoin’s Common Good Program, which trains students in community development. This program involves students researching local non-profits’ needs, raising funds, and learning to write and submit grants.

Surrey and Hugh’s initiative, drive, enthusiasm, and genuine interest in others have significantly shaped a better Harpswell community. Their dedication to service and community engagement is truly inspiring.


Photo: Joan Phillips, Surrey & Hugh Hardcastle

The Rotary Club of Brunswick joined in the Brunswick Downtown Association’s [BDA] Bed Race Saturday morning.
We had the use of a BDA bed and decorated it with Rotary banners.  We added posters that told about projects and events the Rotary has done over the past year: the Bike Rodeo, Turkeys for Tedford, student grants, Toolboxes for Africa, reading with First Graders at Kate Furbush School, apartment prep for New Mainers, Beach Cleanup on Bailey Island, Games on the Mall, Tool Trailer for Habitat for Humanity, Community Awards,  Treats and Tents for Halloween, Polio eradication from the earth, and Valentines for Vets.  We’ve been busy!  
      Rotarians guiding The Race Bed were Steve Baldwin, Peggy Siegle, Curt Dale Clark, and Marc and Lori Burkhart. Unfortunately we did not win but now we have experienced racers - so next year could be a different story!
      The Rotary Club of Brunswick meets every Monday at noon (except for holidays) at Martin’s Point Community Center, 114 Bath Road in Brunswick. We have a speaker at most meetings representing the community, an organization, various organizations or other topics of interest. The public is always welcome. Join us for a meeting and learn about the Rotary!
Join us on the Brunswick Town Mall...

    We had a great time at the 28th Annual Bike Rodeo and Family Safety Day on Saturday, May 18 at the Brunswick Park’s and Recreation Department, with 150 children participating in a variety of activities. 

    Children took their bikes thru a course, with instructors from the Masons and Brunswick Rotary making sure they stopped, yielded, looked both ways, and stayed on course. The course itself was chalked out and signed by long time Wheeler and Bike Rodeo organizer Rich Cromwell with his trusty assistant Mark. The Brunswick Police Department registered the children’s bikes, with a very large orange fox giving high fives to all. 

    Rotarians George, Carla , Gary, and Larry greeted the children as they arrived, and checked in with them. Rotarian Patty was the MC for the event. A big thank you goes out to our local Walmart for donating 6 new bicycles and to the bag stuffers for the gift bags given out to children once they had completed nine stations in the event. 

    A total of 12 bicycles were given out to Charlotte S age 5, Barbara J age 11, Rosemary S age 9, Levi S age 6, Emerie L age 4, Sophia L age 11, Vivian W age 6, Sebastian S age 7, Leo D age7, Isaac K age 7, Henry S age 8, and Molly B age 6, Ice G age 8, Chris A age 5, Finley H age 8, and Ella O age 6! They all received water bottles with gifts inside from Center Street Cycle. Another wonderful event for children coordinated and put on by various local organizations in Brunswick.

And there were many organizations there supporting and educating the children and adults too

    The Brunswick Fire Department brought the Smoke House so children could learn how to react to a fire, if they were ever in a dangerous situation. 

    Center Street Cycle manned two bicycle safety tents, making sure every part of the children’s bicycles were in great shape, and  functioning properly. 

    Cub Scout Pack 648 brought an archery station for the children to try their skills at, and also to teach archery safety. 

    Merrymeeting Wheelers Bicycle Club fit new bike helmets (donated by the Brunswick Rotary) to heads large and small, making sure everyone had the ability to abide by the rules of the road. 

    Martin’s Point Tent with Rotarian Lisa at the booth talking about ticks, and educating on how to check for ticks and how to remove them, and how to be safe outdoors in the summer. 

    Be Smart, a gun safety organization, had a booth to talk to parents and children about the dangers of unsecured guns, and gun safety in the homes. 

    Sabrina, Tom, Aaron, David, and Rosalind, all from Brunswick Parks and Recreation Department were crucial in the planning, set up and execution of the event. Our publicity sponsor, Mid Coast Hospital provides all the material that went out to the schools, and advertising. They had their own booth manned by Melissa, who spoke to children about the dangers of prolonged sun exposure, and how to avoid sunburns. 

    The Maine Wardens Service brought their truck and boat to display for children to view. 

     This year’s event was a great success and we are all looking forward to a wonderful summer! 

Support the Brunswick Rotary Club this month (March) and the Hannaford Community Bag Program!
Buy a reusable Community Bag in March. For every $2.50 reusable Community Bag purchased throughout March 2024
from the Hannaford’s store at Cook’s Corner, 8 Gurnet Road,
the Brunswick Rotary Club will receive $1.
It's a great opportunity to raise money to help our community.
Hannaford, 8 Gurnet Road, Cook’s Corner, Brunswick Maine
February 2025
Local Business Sponsors
Club Members' Fees and Happy Dollars
Please click
to pay meeting fees or to contribute happy dollars to the Club's operating account.
(No dues)
Member Dues
Club Members
Please click
to pay your
Club dues.
Martin`s Point Health Care
Club Leadership
President Elect
Immediate Past President
Director July 2023 - June 2025
Director July 2023 - June 2025
Director July 2023 - June 2025
Director July 2023 - June 2025
Director July 2024 - June 2026
Director July 2024 - June 2026
Director July 2024 - June 2026
Director July 2024 - June 2026
Club Protection Officer
Foundation Chair
Public Relations
Program Chair